viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009


15 comentarios:

Alma Gómez dijo...

Hi dear students! your task will be... go to the movies to see "The Boy in Striped Pyjamas" every one of you is going to write your opinion about the film.

Please don't copy and I hope that you enjoy it!!

Have a wonderful week I'll see you next saturday.

Teacher Alma Gómez

EdEnA dijo...

Hi TeAcHeR!!!

I ReGrEt NoT bEiNg AbLe To Go To ThE mOviEs BeCaUsE I WoRk iN ThE mOrNiNgS, ThAt´S WhY I WaSn´T AbLe To Go, I hOpE tHaT I WiLL Be AbLe To Go ThiS WeEkEnD, BuT FiRsT I MuSt Do My HoMeWoRk, AnYwAy ThiS iS tHe ReAsOn And I hOpE tHeRe´S No PrObLeM WiTh My SiTuAtiOn...

SeE yOu ToMoRRoW

GoOd NiGtH...

>EdéN cHaVaRRiA sAnTiLLáN<

=editeishon= dijo...

Hi miss

I dont went to de cinema becose I going to the work in the morning and I can`t speak to de it film.

But spek my favorite film is CREPUSCULO, it`s to the vampires and is very interesant.

See you afternoon


Unknown dijo...

hi!!! miss...
the movie is very interesting becouse it speaks on War where the protagonists are two children of 8 years old that still they do not understand of being able and they begin a prohibited friendship the father of one of the children is warrior in the war the other children is enemy of the nation relation in which there is naivete without distinction some.

I am liked to much the film

bye... good day
by: paola hernandez gonzalez

daniel dijo...

the movie is about a boy then played whit his friends to the war in berlin, his dad was a official nazi he and his family changedof home a place in half of the nothing
there he met to a boy of 8 years old as he this boy wore a striped pajamas and they was friends whitout matter the war the bad was than his countries was enemy
this film is interersting becouse is about a friendshipin half of the war

Eduardo Tufiño Avila dijo...

Hello teacher, I wait that this good and here I deliver him my opinion.

In this movie it passes
The year is 1943. When Bruno returns home from school one day, he discovers that his family must move from their home to a new house far away, where there are no neighbours and nothing to do. A tall fence running alongside stretches as far as the eye can see and cuts him off from the strange people he can see in the distance. Bruno decides that there must be more to this desolate new place than meets the eye, so sets out to explore.This movie the truth this father but I feel that not entendi very well, but in general I like me

roberto dijo...

hi teacher
the movie is very sad because is a topyc very important in the hystori of the world
remember that the secod war was very bad for the cildrens this is the topyc of our film
bruno died because he visited to beswt friend and he help to look for his father in the concentrtion camps

ok is very sad and i thik that the childrens was the more afect in tath time

ok iwant see the movie 50first dates with adam sandler is very beautiful i can say that is the best film of sandler

see you and happy vacations
see the movie and tell me if like you

Unknown dijo...

is very good I like because is sad
a story is the children(bruno)the 8 years old son of the commandant at a concentration camp,and the friend is enemig and the consequences,a fictional story set against a background of real events – the persecution and the extermination of the Jewish communities from across Europe in concentration camps set up by the Nazis.

The ending is sooo sad but its an awesome movie!

Unknown dijo...

is viridiana sanchez reyes ok maestra

daniel dijo...

Hello teacher!!

The movie is very interesting because speaks about the friendship that two children manage to have, one of them called darkly; his dad is a military Nazi.

Another children is called Samuel, is a children without teeth and with one pajamas striped

These children do friendship without knowing the differences that it exists between them two.

ATT: Daniel Castillo Castillo

daniel dijo...

Hello teacher!!

The movie is very interesting because speaks about the friendship that two children manage to have, one of them called darkly; his dad is a military Nazi.

Another children is called Samuel, is a children without teeth and with one pajamas striped

These children do friendship without knowing the differences that it exists between them two.

ATT: Daniel Castillo Castillo

alejandro dijo...

Hello teacher!!

The movie is very interesting because speaks about the friendship that two children manage to have, one of them called darkly; his dad is a military Nazi.

Another children is called Samuel, is a children without teeth and with one pajamas striped

These children do friendship without knowing the differences that it exists between them two.

ATT: Daniel Castillo Castillo

daniela dijo...

hello teacher! how are you?
Well, I could not see the movie, but read about the novel, I think it is a great story, the friendship of the two children, does not teach that the great friendships you can I think we should see the world as they see children and stop making war in the eyes of a child are always the answers and the reasons of peace. The Second World War was a very tragic event which we should learn. I hope you have a nice day

jessica dijo...

hi miss! how are you?
i dont see the movie because i dont have time so i want to describe an other movie is pearl harbor well is very iteresting because speak about the second world war and is so sad because thare are very much murder.
well this is my description and i really sorry for the other movie.
bye miss see you soon

jessica zuleima antonio angeles

NiNa dijo...

hello Teacher: well the movie is very interesting by that speaks of the war in those times and in that place. But i don't like me a lot by that the boy has to live the experience to change of house to a place in war, see and live all this bad experiences.

Then i feld so sad how like the innocence of a boy creates a friendship with somebody with which the adults it's fighting and that it does not create any barrier between the two boys. And by last i don't like me the end because was son sad, because is unfair that have to die like this.

Well Teacher expect that it was not late to command my homework is that I had some problems and i can't do it. That have a beautiful day